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welcome to Cynthia Rowley Web

This is a great opportunity for our readers to learn from you. We likes to publish guest posts from experts who can provide unique and useful perspectives.

Here are some pointers on how to write a successful post.
  • Guest columns usually run about 600 – 800 words.
  • Articles should be unique, relevant to the readers and useful. Information should be practical and actionable.
  • Make a strong, clear argument. Come down on one side of an issue, or advance a theory. We want to stir discussion.
  • Provide specific examples of companies and true anecdotes to illustrate the points you’re making - the more the better.
  • If a piece feels self-serving or self-promotional for your company, we’ll pass.
  • Be sure to disclose conflicts of interest, such as partnerships with, or investments in, any companies/technologies covered in the story.